ERF's work, starting in 2020 with a customer survey, and later with policy and program design (starting in April 2021) was the first time Kerb Side Charging was identified as an important means to improve access to Charging Infrastructure. Also a detailed policy developed for kerbside charging is the first such document developed for an Indian City. We had developed detailed documents for implementing Kerb-Side Chargers in Delhi:
● Policy for Kerb Side Charging developed for Delhi using 'Delhi Maintenance and Management of Parking Places Rules (Sep 2019)', SDMCframework for contracting with Public entities for installing charging infra on streets.
● Implementation manual for setting up charging infra
● Functional and Technical specifications for a low cost Ker Side Chargers.
● Site survey for 25+ locations in Dwarka for implementation of Charging Infrastructure.
● Tie-up of Investments and Operating Model for management of Kerbsider chargers.
These were developed in discussions and multiple meetings with
● Delhi Dialogue Commission (Sh Jasmin Shah, Chairman DDC was involved right from beginning)
● BRPL- the largest utility in Delhi
● Department of Science and Technology (relating to specifications of these chargers)
After integration of Delhi Municipal Corporations, Delhi Government's Transport Department is coordinating and managing launch of Kerside Chargers. The final set of documents were submitted to Shri Ashish Kundra, (Principal Secretary and Commissioner Transport) on 26-Sep 2022. He was very happy with the work submitted by us and the usefulness of this in the program of Delhi Government.